CSI ETABS Ultimate 19.1.0 Build 2420 Construction design industry standards

CSI ETABS Ultimate 19.1.0 Build 2420

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    41 Rated
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  • Language: English
  • Version: 19.1.0 Build 2420
  • Latest updated:
  • License: Full_version
  • Publisher: Computers and Structures
  • File size: 851 Mb
  • Download: 608

Download CSI ETABS Ultimate 19 for Windows - CSI ETABS Ultimate (CSI) is an innovative and revolutionary software package for structural analysis and building design


CSI ETABS Ultimate is an innovative and revolutionary software package for structural analysis and building design. The software includes 40 years of continuous research and development, the application provides unparalleled 3D object modeling and visualization tools, the power of extremely fast linear and nonlinear analysis. Sophisticated and comprehensive design capabilities for a wide variety of materials and in-depth graphic display, and schematic drawings enable users to quickly and easily decode and understand analysis and design results.

ETABS integrates every aspect of the engineering design process. Creation of models has never been easier - intuitive drawing commands allow for the rapid generation of floor and elevation framing. CAD drawings can be converted directly into ETABS models or used as templates onto which ETABS objects may be overlaid. The state-of-the-art SAPFire 64-bit solver allows extremely large and complex models to be rapidly analyzed, and supports nonlinear modeling techniques such as construction sequencing and time effect

Design of steel and concrete frames (with automated optimization), composite beams, composite columns, steel joists, and concrete and masonry shear walls is included, as is the capacity check for steel connections and base plates. Models may be realistically rendered, and all results can be shown directly on the structure. Comprehensive and customizable reports are available for all analysis and design output, and schematic construction drawings of framing plans, schedules, details, and cross-sections may be generated for concrete and steel structures.

CSI ETABS Ultimate 19 overview and features:


  • Added codes for creep, shrinkage, and stiffness aging: Eurocode 2-2004, Australian Standard 3600-2009, New Zealand Standard 3101-2006 and GL 2000 models.

Analysis Creep & Shrinkage

  • Creep and shrinkage behavior now includes the effect of rebar to reduce axial shortening of columns and walls.

Modal Damping

  • Modal damping option for linear and nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis, providing more realistic and conservative results.

Results Display & Output

  • Slab width display based on Eurocode 2-2004.

System Requirements:

  • Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64
  • Supports 1024 x 768 resolution and 16 bit color for standard graphics mode
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 2 GB or more
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