Windows Operating System News :
  1. Sending reported error 0x800CCC69 in Outlook

    AiiGuide, August 01, 2023, Windows Operating System News , 438 Views
    you can fix sending and receiving reported error (0x800ccc69), unknown error 0x800ccc69 in outlook by reconfiguring smtp settings.

  2. Windows 11 has added keyboard shortcut to mute or unmute micro

    AiiGuide, November 29, 2021, Windows Operating System News , 1098 Views
    microsoft recently released windows 11 preview update with a new taskbar feature that lets you quickly mute and unmute the mic

  3. A Guide to Overclocking with Intel Extreme Tuning Utility

    Intel, September 07, 2021, Windows Operating System News , 1347 Views
    how to use intel extreme tuning utility (intel xtu) to easily overclock your cpu and get more out of your cpu (central processing unit)